& the Universe conspires…

To Help You Achieve Your Goals: A Trader’s Journey

It was six years ago that I first began my trading journey — when did you begin yours?

I’ve always loved to learn. Even as a child, I was never satisfied with average. I always wanted more. But I wouldn’t have been able to achieve this level of understanding without the mentors that have come before me.

Everyone knows that John Carter’s the one that got me interested in trading (of course, along with my dad), but it was Henry Gambell that got me to stick with it.

So let’s take the time to get a little backstory…

And then a new strategy he’s teaching that’s had 18+ winners in a row (crazy, right?)…

Henry, like myself, walked into this profession by chance, a twist of life-changing fate. Falling into John’s lap, as he met him when John needed a computer repair — and he was the man for the job.

Seeing something in him, John decided to teach him how to trade… and then, they ended up founding Simpler together.

It’s always amazed me the way that John can see someone — and just know if they’re meant to be a trader or not.

He did it with Henry, then, he did it with me. And it was both of them, that got me to where I’m at today — here, teaching you.

What do we have in common? Well, we’ve both trained under John. Coming into this career as two completely different people. Him, a technology master with a love for gambling, and me, an elementary school teacher with a love for languages.

Now, 6 years later for me and more than 10 years later for him, we make up a key piece of the Simpler Trading, Options team.

We’ve been there — we know the struggles. We know what it’s like to try to learn something in a once unfamiliar industry, in an area that we’ve made our careers and life. There’s nobody that cares more about you than us…

But especially Henry.

Henry doesn’t teach classes that often. He’s the backbone of the trading room. So that’s why this weekend’s a chance that doesn’t come around too often.

He’s taught me (and when I say he’s taught me, I mean, I sat in the chatroom and in classes and listened, just like you) how to:

  • Read the squeeze
  • Trade calls in a conservative way
  • Lower your risk by using butterflies (the strategy I use most frequently now)
  • Consistently trade earnings with unbalanced flies
  • Manage the chat room
  • Have patience

I’ve learned these strategies — largely from him, and now I’m looking for the next step in that cycle. Which has lead me to ratio spreads.

He’s been telling me how much he loves this strategy, and he’s been honing it forever until it was ready to bring to us. Before he even decided whether or not he wanted to do a class… he wanted to make sure the strategy actually worked… low and behold, it’s worked 18+ times in a row. Eighteen… times… in… a… row. That consistently and accuracy is insane.

That’s one of the many reasons I’m so excited for this particular class.

Another one? Well everyone’s at a different place in their trading journey, and the best thing to do is look at what YOU need, and what YOU want to add.

Here are some reasons to learn to trade ratio spreads:

  • You’re tired of picking direction
  • You’re looking for a high probability strategy to add
  • You may consider owning stock at better prices
  • You want to improve your premium selling capabilities

What we’re all trying to do here — is share what we’ve learned AND what works best for us. Each class and webinar provides another opportunity. I for one, will be partaking in this one.

Always learning, always earning after all.

If you want to join me, you can grab a spot for tomorrow here.

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