Which Retailers are Rallying?

Danielle discusses which retailers she thinks can survive the impacts of the Coronavirus. Click the image above to learn more.

Countries all around the world are reacting to the Coronavirus by taking major precautions in order to help stop the spread of germs. Some are closing their boarders, others are shutting down schools, and most have some type of restriction when it comes to retailers keeping their doors open.

With very strict rules on store operations, coupled with less consumer traffic due to everyone self quarantining, it’s no wonder some of these businesses are struggling. Additionally, a sad reality is some won’t make it. However, though we know this virus will have a lasting impact on the retail market as a whole, we have yet to see the full impact this pandemic will have on the retail sector.

Because of this, it can be hard to predict who will be able to survive this. My bet is on consumer staples and home improvement companies rather than luxury brands.

Click here to find out which specific businesses I’m picking to prevail.

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