Two entries on Chewy’s Earnings

A Tuesday Trade Edition: One of the most important concepts in trading is to review your work, and learn from the good and the bad. It’s critical to identify what’s working — to do more of it. Each week, you’ll get a trade from my trading journal, in which I explain my whole thought process … Read more

An after the report momentum move

A Tuesday Trade Edition: One of the most important concepts in trading is to review your work, and learn from the good and the bad. It’s critical to identify what’s working — to do more of it. Each week, you’ll get a trade from my trading journal, in which I explain my whole thought process … Read more

A trio trade in Peloton

A lot of the time, I’ll have traders ask me about the “hype tickers”. What I mean by “hype tickers” is those stocks that are highly talked about in the market for whatever reason — like SPCE or TSLA. I get it, as an options trader, if you can time these out correctly… they can … Read more