Here’s what you should know about this pullback…

And where I’m focusing trade-wise. Remember last Friday when we talked? I called that while we initially saw a downside trigger in the transports, because the indexes hadn’t fully triggered, it was still just a slight pullback? Additionally, on Friday, Phoenix showed us how several key names (MSFT, AMZN, GOOGL) started rising after the pullbacks. … Read more

Don’t fret despite this market pullback…

If we look at the data, this isn’t unexpected. Remember when I told you I was looking for signs of cracks in the bullish structure of the market, versus identifying a normal pullback? Well, I’m now seeing signs. You’ll want to read this (especially if you’re one of the many members who have reached out … Read more

[Video]: Breaking down the technicals

As promised, here’s my follow-up from yesterday. What’s even better about actually taking the time to break down the technicals, and show you how I do what I do (so you can too)… is when the play I’ve been talking about continues to pan out well. You’ll see what I mean later. Remember yesterday I … Read more

Looking for Cracks…

as the S&P pauses at resistance. You may have noticed that the market has been a bit lackluster after the initial test of $2815 in the S&P. As a key area of resistance, in fact, one of the last major areas of resistance on the path to $3,000, it’s no surprise that the S&P is … Read more

[Video]: Five Star Phoenix

ETSY Trade Idea and Chart Setup For my issue today, I decided to do something a little different — figured I’d wrap up the market week in a new way. So I went and made a video walking you step-by-step through my trade idea in ETSY. If you remember, I talked all about ETSY in … Read more

[Watch Now]: Analyzing GE’s Big Moves

Time to Buy? With all the news speculation around GE’s movements, I joined ‘Boom Bust’ to discuss my take early this week. Will all this change make them a better company? What about GE for a potential buy? Are they going to be a market mover? Check out my whole section below: Personally, I think … Read more

Where Millennials spend their cash…

The Case of ETSY Today’s issue is going to be similar to the case studies I’ve done in the past, but it’ll contain more of a macro view of the market. I’m going to provide you with an in-depth overview of how I identify, and then trade, an earnings move on a Five Star name. … Read more

One of my first ‘aha’ moments…

With my recent Phoenix class winding down now, and all the awesome new members that have joined our “Five Star Trader” community, I had several people ask me about my trading journey as a whole. So for this issue, I want to get a little reflective. All about one of my first ‘aha’ moments as … Read more

There’s a resolution on the horizon

Here’s where my focus lies with the trade deal on the line and another earnings week. Right now, we have a trade deal on the horizon — which, most likely will be another catalyst to move this market. Now, we don’t *know* what’ll happen, but I’m putting my money on a resolution. Neither President Trump … Read more